Dark Souls 1 Save Editor

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  1. Dark Souls 1 Save Editor Jappi88
  2. Dark Souls 1 Save Editor Xbox 360

A quick note on patience

You've probably heard some advice from players and websites that the game requires heavy doses of patience, but what does that really mean? If you're a beginner at this game, consider the following thoughts:

  • EVERY ENEMY IS CHALLENGING. If you go into a fight or a new area realizing that there is inevitably an enemy waiting around the corner who can kill you within seconds, you'll live much longer and save time scrambling to recover your lost souls and humanity. Even at high levels, if you underestimate the weaker enemies, they'll often find a way to make you regret it. Take your time and properly execute every fight (even if you've already been through this area dozens of times). ALWAYS enter a new area with your shield raised or at the ready to dodge a trap.
  • Boss fights are about OBSERVATION, STRATEGY, and EXECUTION.
    • Observation: What is the boss's move sets? Which animations trigger which attacks? How long does it take the boss to complete every action? When is the boss vulnerable? Are there any changes in elevation/obstructions that can prevent the boss from hitting you?For how much time is the boss vulnerable after an attack?
    • Strategy:Strategy can be broken up into two separate categories..
      • How do I keep myself alive? Which attacks can be parried, blocked, countered? Which cannot? How much damage does each attack do? When is there a moment of respite to heal? Does the fight require blocking/tanking or agility/quickness?

Dark Souls 1 Save Editor Jappi88

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I'd be careful mentioning save editors on the forums. View Profile View Posts. Mar 1, 2014 @ 8:06pm. To tell the truth this is the kind of game where if you start a new character things will go smoothly and waaaaay faster than the first time as long as you learned things along the way. Although you need to highlight another equipment before you can see the change, the assignment is immediate actually. The script would check if the item can be assigned an element or not, but it's better to be sure before you press the key to avoid unwanted result. Mirror of current version, recommended for xbox360/pc gamesaves. Dark Souls Save Editor Version: By Jappi88.

Dark souls 1 save editor xbox 360
  • How do I kill the boss? When is the best time to strike? Where must I be positioned to hit the boss? What weapon is best used for this fight? Do I need any ranged weapons (magic, arrows, firebombs)?
  • Execution: Practice, practice, practice. Even if you look up a boss fight online it is highly unlikelythat you can pull it off on your first try (at least for most bosses.) The strategies and hints that someone else told you came from their own observations and strategizing, so try to fine-tune their methods to suit your needs. Because of the variety of play styles available within the game, bosses can similarly be beaten in a variety of different ways.
    • Also important to consider is that a majority of the bosses can be beaten without losing any health. If you take the time to first figure out the best, most conservative means of winning a fight, it'll save you hours of trial and error.

Dark Souls 1 Save Editor Xbox 360

  • NEVER make a decision impulsively. Unlike some RPGs, there is no way to save the game, attempt a decision, reload the save and try again if you're unsatisfied. Every decision is final and has a consequence. Whether it means requiring you to put in hours of grinding later on as a result of mismanagement of souls, or the inability to access a certain crucial item (until New Game +) because of a poor decision, most decisions in the game are muddy and have upsides and downsides. Try focusing on planning long-term, because the game does get progressively harder (as difficult as that is to imagine.)

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