D2 Terror Key

broken image

There are 3 types of keys: Terror (dropped by Countess) Hate (Summoner) and Destruction (Nilathak) If you combine one of each you will open a portal to one of the 3 lesser ubers. Each of these will drop a different organ, and when you have the 3 organs you can combine them to open a portal to Uber-Tristam. Key Drop Odds edit edit source The first stage in unlocking the Infernal Machine players have to gather 3 keys and a plan from all four acts by killing the Key Wardens. (An even longer and more involved process than Diablo 2′s Pandemonium Event.) The Keywardens appear in their designated areas only on Inferno difficulty. The Key of Hate is required to open the first red portals in the Pandemonium Event and can only be found from certain boss monsters, and only on Hell difficulty. Get the Key of Terror from The Countess, the Key of Hate from The Summoner, and the Key of Destruction from Nihlathak. The Key of Terror is a quest item and may be used for: The Pandemonium Event in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction The Infernal Machine in Diablo III. Standard is generally Terror key = Destruction key, and Horror key is worth 2T or 2D. A 'keyset' is generally 9 keys (3 of each) which can open all the portals to get organs for Chaos Trist.

  1. Diablo 2 Key Of Terror
  2. D2 Terror Key Fob
  3. D2 Keys Locations
  4. Key Of Hate D2
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Diablo II Monsters[e]
Animals • Demons • Undead
Complete Monster Listing
Modifiers • Experience
Champions • SuperUniques
Monster Categories
Animals • Demons • Undead
Act Bosses • Guest Monsters
Objects • SuperUniques
Uber Monsters
Monster Type
The Summoner:
is a Monsterand an Animaland a SuperUnique
D2 terror key fob

The Summoner is an Animal and a Superunique.

The Summoner is found at the tip of one of the four arms of the Arcane Sanctuary, a strangely-beautiful, psychedelic-styled area in Act Two. Which of the four tips the Summoner occupies is randomized, but his is a bit longer than the others and has a distinctive shape, so you'll know it as soon as you get near, even if the quest button pop up doesn't warn you. The Summoner is a quest boss; he must be killed to finish the fifth quest in Act Two, and killing him is required to open a portal to the Canyon of the Magi and to learn which of the seven tombs of Tal Rasha is the true tomb. He is implied to be the Sorceror from Diablo I, corrupted much as the Warrior was.

All values are listed by difficulty level: Normal / Nightmare / Hell.


  • The TC/Rune drops listed are the highest Treasure Class/Rune Group a normal monster of that type can drop.
    • Champions and Bosses can sometimes drop from the next higher TC.
    • The max TC/Rune possible depends on which level a monster spawns in, and can vary slightly from the listed values (monsters that spawn in later levels can drop higher level items). See the item calculators to ascertain precisely what a monster from a given area can drop.
Name Level Experience Hit Points Speed Max TC/Rune
The Summoner 18 / 55 / 80 305 / 26200 / 130,092 82-100 / 1290-1642 / 6167-7849 5 21/Nef, 48/Ko, 72/Lo


The Summoner's stats are all preset. He does not get any random Monster Modifiers.

  • The Summoner has no physical attacks or melee attacks. He is purely a spell caster, with a variety of Sorceress spells and one Necromancer curse. (But no summoning skills, ironically.)
  • The chill duration from Glacial Spike and Frost Nova increase with the difficulty level.
  • The Weaken Curse always reduces physical damage by 33%.
    • Level 4: 8 yard radius, 21.1 sec duration.
    • Level 7: 10 yard radius, 28.4 sec duration.
    • Level 11: 12.6 yard radius, 38 sec duration.
Name Glacial Spike Frost Nova Fireball Firewall Weaken
The SummonerCold Damage:
51-61 (2.6s)
78-90 (3s)
130-144 (3.4s)
Cold Damage:
10-14 (12s)
16-21 (15s)
28-35 (19s)
Fire Damage:
Fire Damage:
Curse Level:
4 / 7 / 11


Like all SuperUniques, The Summoner does not regenerate hit points.

  • Drain Effectiveness tells what % of a character's mana and life steal apply to that monster. 100 is all, 0 is none.
  • Chill Effectiveness tells what % of a character's cold length applies to the monster. 100 is all, 0 is no freeze/chill at all.
Name Defense Blocking Regen Rate Drain Effectiveness Chill Effectiveness

The Summoner

165 / 642 / 1328 -- --100 / 75 / 5050 / 40 / 33

Jailbreak ipad ios 9.3 5 sans pc.


  • Resistances over 99% are listed as immunities and monsters will take no damage from that type of attack.
  • Immunities can be 'broken' by skills that lower resistance, if the value drops below 99%. See the Resistances page for more details.
Name Physical Fire Cold Lightning Poison Magic

The Summoner

0% / 0% / 0% 50% / 50% / 75% 50% / 50% / 75% 50% / 50% / 75% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 0%


All SuperUniques (except for Uber Diablo) are found in roughly the same location every game, on all three difficulty levels. (Except for the Uber Monsters who are only found on Hell Difficulty.)

Name Location
The SummonerAct 2: The Arcane Sanctuary

The Key of Hate[edit]

In the v1.11 patch, the Summoner was given the ability to drop the Key of Hate, a quest item required to engage in the Pandemonium Event. This quest is only functional on the realms, so while the Summoner drops the key in single player games, it is of no use to those characters. The Key of Hate only drops on Hell difficulty, and the Summoner's odds to drop it (along with various other random items) increase when there are more players in the game:

  • 1-2 players: 8.6%
  • 3-4 players: 11.6%
  • 5-6 players: 12.5%
  • 7-8 players: 12.8%


Heha.. hahahehehaha..
Heha.. hahahehehaha..hehehaha..

Monsters of Diablo II
AnimalsDemonsUndeadAct 1 BossesAct 2 BossesAct 3 BossesAct 4 BossesAct 5 BossesObjectsMonster InfoAct & Uber Bosses
AnimalsAbominable - Animal - Baboon Demon - Bat Demon - Blood Hawk - Claw Viper - Death Mauler - Frog Demon - Frozen Horror - Giant Mosquito - Giant Spider - Hell Bovine - Leaper - Minion - Saber Cat - Sand Maggot - Sand Maggot Egg - Sand Maggot Young - Sand Raider - Scarab Demon - Siege Beast - Slinger - Spike Fiend - Suicide Minion - Swarm - Tentacle Beast - Thorned Hulk - Vulture Demon - Wendigo - Zakarum Priest - Zakarum Zealot
DemonsBlood Lord - Blunderbore - Corrupt Rogue - Corrupt Rogue Archer - Corrupt Rogue Spearwoman - Council Member - Death Mauler - Demon - Demon Imp - Fallen - Fallen Shaman - Festering Appendages - Fetish - Fetish Blowdart - Fetish Shaman - Goatman - Megademon - Minion - Minion of Destruction - Overseer - Pain Worm - Putrid Defiler - Regurgitator - Spike Fiend - Stygian Fury - Succubus - Suicide Minion - Tainted - Vile Child - Vile Mother - Vulture Demon
UndeadBone Fetish - Finger Mage - Greater Mummy - Mummy - Oblivion Knight - Reanimated Horde - Skeleton - Skeleton Archer - Skeleton Mage - Undead - Vampire - Vulture Demon - Willowisp - Wraith - Zombie
Act One BossesAndariel - Bishibosh - Blood Raven - Bone Ash - Bonebreaker - Coldcrow - Corpsefire - Cow King - Griswold - Pitspawn Fouldog - Rakanishu - The Countess - The Smith - Treehead Woodfist
Act Two BossesAncient Kaa the Soulless - Blood Witch the Wild - Coldworm the Burrower - Creeping Feature - Dark Elder - Duriel - Fangskin - Fire Eye - Radament - The Summoner
Act Three BossesBattlemaid Sarina - Bremm Sparkfist - Geleb Flamefinger - Icehawk Riftwing - Ismail Vilehand - Maffer Dragonhand - Mephisto - Sszark the Burning - Stormtree - Toorc Icefist - Witch Doctor Endugu - Wyand Voidbringer
Act Four BossesDiablo - Grand Vizier of Chaos - Hephasto the Armorer - Infector of Souls - Izual - Lord De Seis -
Act Five BossesAchmel the Cursed - Baal - Bartuc the Bloody - Bonesaw Breaker - Colenzo the Annihilator - Dac Farren - Eldritch the Rectifier - Eyeback the Unleashed - Frozenstein - Korlic - Lister the Tormentor - Madawc - Nihlathak - Pindleskin - Sharptooth Slayer - Shenk the Overseer - Snapchip Shatter - Talic - Thresh Socket - Ventar the Unholy
ObjectsBarricade - Barricaded Tower - Blood Hawk Nest - Catapult - Chest - Evil Demon Huts - Fire Tower - Flying Scimitar - Gargoyle Trap - Lightning Spire - Mummy Sarcophagus - Objects - Prison Door - Trapped Soul
Monster InfoMonster Basics - Guest Monsters - Boss Monsters - Boss Modifiers - Act Bosses - Uber Monsters - Experience
Act Bosses
Uber Monsters
Act Bosses:Andariel - Duriel - Mephisto - Diablo - Baal -
Pandemonium Diablo - Lilith - Uber Izual - Uber Duriel - Uber Baal - Uber Diablo - Uber Mephisto -
Retrieved from 'https://diablo2.diablowiki.net/index.php?title=The_Summoner&oldid=25729'

The Pandemonium Event is a Battle.net only event introduced in Patch 1.11 of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction that is entirely optional but still fun to complete and famous for being the only source of the unique Large Charm, the Hellfire Torch.

Unlike the other Battle.net only quest, the Uber Diablo, the Pandemonium Event is quite a bit more complex and has a lot more fights with some very special super uniques specially created for the quest.

  • 2The Keys and Organs


Considering that the Pandemonium Event is a Battle.net only quest and is not available in the Single player or even open Battle.net games, it cannot be said to be a part of official lore. It can be said that it was created only to give high-level characters something to do.

The Keys and Organs

The initiation of the quest involves the collection of the three separate Organs that will open the portal to Chaos Tristram when transmuted in the Horadric Cube. These Organs, in turn, each require the collection of three Keys to open a portal which itself contains one Organ. Nine total keys, three of each type, are thus the minimum required to access Chaos Tristam.

The Keys

The Keys are required to open the three portals that will help you collect the Organs. There are three different keys, and to open any one of the minor portals, a complete set of three different keys are required. This means that the player will have to collect, in all, three keys of each type, which totals to nine keys.

To get the keys, the player has to kill one of the agents of the Prime Evils on the mortal plane. They are:

  • The Summoner (Mephisto)
  • The Countess (Diablo)
  • Nihlathak (Baal)

Diablo 2 Key Of Terror

They need to be killed in a Hell difficulty game in which they have a chance to drop the Keys of Hate, Terror and Destruction respectively along with their normal drop. The dropping of keys is quite rare, sometimes dropping only one in 10-15 runs. You can still run any one of them and continue to collect only one type of key. It is advisable to only run them for only three keys that are required for quest completion.

The Organs

Once you have a complete set of three different Keys, head to Act V, Harrogath. Put them in the Horadric Cube and then transmute them. In a way, it is very similar to the Secret Cow Level, you will create a portal teleporting you to a place where you would have to fight one of either:

  • Uber Duriel in the Forgotten Sands
  • Uber Izual in the Furnace of Pain
  • Lilith in the Matron's Den

They will give you, when defeated, Baal's Eye, Mephisto's Brain, and Diablo's Horn respectively, the Organs that will help you create the portal to Chaos Tristram.

It is highly recommended that you collect all nine required Keys and open all the three Portals within the same game. If they are opened in separate games, there is a chance that the same portal is opened leading to a waste of three different Keys. Of course, the organs are still valuable, leaving them open to be traded for others.

D2 Terror Key Fob

Uber Tristram

Once you have all three Organs, you can to go back to Harrogath again and put them into the Horadric Cube and transmute them. You will create the portal to Uber Tristram.

Uber Tristram has the same base structure as the regular Tristram but has a pack-load of hellish monsters, like the rare and powerful Balrogs. There are also a variety of unique monsters, champions and their minions along with the masters of the pack, the Uber Prime Evils themselves. The main objective when the player reaches Uber Tristram is to find and defeat Uber Mephisto, Uber Baal, and Pandemonium Diablo (because Uber Diablo already exists).

Über Mephisto has a level 20 Conviction Aura, which causes -125% to all of your resists, and summons Skeleton Mages and Archers everywhere, which can be challenging. Pandemonium Diablo is a 'tank' for Baal, meaning he takes the damage for him. He has tons of life and summons Pit Lords which are immune to everything but Physical damage. Über Baal is mostly the same as Hell mode Baal. He has a little more life and summons Ghoul Lords and Ghosts, which are both Physical Immune.

Once you kill them, the last boss to die will give you the Hellfire Torch, a Large Charm that gives +3 to any one of a certain class' skills, and random resistances and attributes, and the, as yet unusable, Standard of Heroes. The Standard of Heroes is a symbol that shows that you have completed this quest successfully and, unfortunately, for the trouble to obtain it, does nothing else, for the moment.

The easiest way to kill all three Ubers, as they are called in game, is a Smiter, a paladin who uses the skill Smite. They are an easy build for players to create and use.

Smiters can use different types of equipment, depending on the ability to get said gear.For the most part, the gear consists of:Body Armor: Chains of Honor Rune Word or Enigma Rune WordWeapon: Grief Rune Word or Last Wish Rune WordBoots: Gore RiderGloves: Dracul's GraspBelt: Verdungo's Hearty Cord or String of EarsShield: Exile Rune Word or Herald of Zakarum Helm: Harlequin Crest, Crown of Ages or Delirium Rune WordRings: Raven Frost, Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band, and Carrion Wind Amulet: The Cat's Eye or Highlord's Wrath.

Smiters use Fanaticism and Smite as their right and left click skills, respectively. Usually, both are maxed out along with their synergies. Holy Shield is also maxed, with its synergies too.

D2 Terror Key

The Summoner is an Animal and a Superunique.

The Summoner is found at the tip of one of the four arms of the Arcane Sanctuary, a strangely-beautiful, psychedelic-styled area in Act Two. Which of the four tips the Summoner occupies is randomized, but his is a bit longer than the others and has a distinctive shape, so you'll know it as soon as you get near, even if the quest button pop up doesn't warn you. The Summoner is a quest boss; he must be killed to finish the fifth quest in Act Two, and killing him is required to open a portal to the Canyon of the Magi and to learn which of the seven tombs of Tal Rasha is the true tomb. He is implied to be the Sorceror from Diablo I, corrupted much as the Warrior was.

All values are listed by difficulty level: Normal / Nightmare / Hell.


  • The TC/Rune drops listed are the highest Treasure Class/Rune Group a normal monster of that type can drop.
    • Champions and Bosses can sometimes drop from the next higher TC.
    • The max TC/Rune possible depends on which level a monster spawns in, and can vary slightly from the listed values (monsters that spawn in later levels can drop higher level items). See the item calculators to ascertain precisely what a monster from a given area can drop.
Name Level Experience Hit Points Speed Max TC/Rune
The Summoner 18 / 55 / 80 305 / 26200 / 130,092 82-100 / 1290-1642 / 6167-7849 5 21/Nef, 48/Ko, 72/Lo


The Summoner's stats are all preset. He does not get any random Monster Modifiers.

  • The Summoner has no physical attacks or melee attacks. He is purely a spell caster, with a variety of Sorceress spells and one Necromancer curse. (But no summoning skills, ironically.)
  • The chill duration from Glacial Spike and Frost Nova increase with the difficulty level.
  • The Weaken Curse always reduces physical damage by 33%.
    • Level 4: 8 yard radius, 21.1 sec duration.
    • Level 7: 10 yard radius, 28.4 sec duration.
    • Level 11: 12.6 yard radius, 38 sec duration.
Name Glacial Spike Frost Nova Fireball Firewall Weaken
The SummonerCold Damage:
51-61 (2.6s)
78-90 (3s)
130-144 (3.4s)
Cold Damage:
10-14 (12s)
16-21 (15s)
28-35 (19s)
Fire Damage:
Fire Damage:
Curse Level:
4 / 7 / 11


Like all SuperUniques, The Summoner does not regenerate hit points.

  • Drain Effectiveness tells what % of a character's mana and life steal apply to that monster. 100 is all, 0 is none.
  • Chill Effectiveness tells what % of a character's cold length applies to the monster. 100 is all, 0 is no freeze/chill at all.
Name Defense Blocking Regen Rate Drain Effectiveness Chill Effectiveness

The Summoner

165 / 642 / 1328 -- --100 / 75 / 5050 / 40 / 33

Jailbreak ipad ios 9.3 5 sans pc.


  • Resistances over 99% are listed as immunities and monsters will take no damage from that type of attack.
  • Immunities can be 'broken' by skills that lower resistance, if the value drops below 99%. See the Resistances page for more details.
Name Physical Fire Cold Lightning Poison Magic

The Summoner

0% / 0% / 0% 50% / 50% / 75% 50% / 50% / 75% 50% / 50% / 75% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 0%


All SuperUniques (except for Uber Diablo) are found in roughly the same location every game, on all three difficulty levels. (Except for the Uber Monsters who are only found on Hell Difficulty.)

Name Location
The SummonerAct 2: The Arcane Sanctuary

The Key of Hate[edit]

In the v1.11 patch, the Summoner was given the ability to drop the Key of Hate, a quest item required to engage in the Pandemonium Event. This quest is only functional on the realms, so while the Summoner drops the key in single player games, it is of no use to those characters. The Key of Hate only drops on Hell difficulty, and the Summoner's odds to drop it (along with various other random items) increase when there are more players in the game:

  • 1-2 players: 8.6%
  • 3-4 players: 11.6%
  • 5-6 players: 12.5%
  • 7-8 players: 12.8%


Heha.. hahahehehaha..
Heha.. hahahehehaha..hehehaha..

Monsters of Diablo II
AnimalsDemonsUndeadAct 1 BossesAct 2 BossesAct 3 BossesAct 4 BossesAct 5 BossesObjectsMonster InfoAct & Uber Bosses
AnimalsAbominable - Animal - Baboon Demon - Bat Demon - Blood Hawk - Claw Viper - Death Mauler - Frog Demon - Frozen Horror - Giant Mosquito - Giant Spider - Hell Bovine - Leaper - Minion - Saber Cat - Sand Maggot - Sand Maggot Egg - Sand Maggot Young - Sand Raider - Scarab Demon - Siege Beast - Slinger - Spike Fiend - Suicide Minion - Swarm - Tentacle Beast - Thorned Hulk - Vulture Demon - Wendigo - Zakarum Priest - Zakarum Zealot
DemonsBlood Lord - Blunderbore - Corrupt Rogue - Corrupt Rogue Archer - Corrupt Rogue Spearwoman - Council Member - Death Mauler - Demon - Demon Imp - Fallen - Fallen Shaman - Festering Appendages - Fetish - Fetish Blowdart - Fetish Shaman - Goatman - Megademon - Minion - Minion of Destruction - Overseer - Pain Worm - Putrid Defiler - Regurgitator - Spike Fiend - Stygian Fury - Succubus - Suicide Minion - Tainted - Vile Child - Vile Mother - Vulture Demon
UndeadBone Fetish - Finger Mage - Greater Mummy - Mummy - Oblivion Knight - Reanimated Horde - Skeleton - Skeleton Archer - Skeleton Mage - Undead - Vampire - Vulture Demon - Willowisp - Wraith - Zombie
Act One BossesAndariel - Bishibosh - Blood Raven - Bone Ash - Bonebreaker - Coldcrow - Corpsefire - Cow King - Griswold - Pitspawn Fouldog - Rakanishu - The Countess - The Smith - Treehead Woodfist
Act Two BossesAncient Kaa the Soulless - Blood Witch the Wild - Coldworm the Burrower - Creeping Feature - Dark Elder - Duriel - Fangskin - Fire Eye - Radament - The Summoner
Act Three BossesBattlemaid Sarina - Bremm Sparkfist - Geleb Flamefinger - Icehawk Riftwing - Ismail Vilehand - Maffer Dragonhand - Mephisto - Sszark the Burning - Stormtree - Toorc Icefist - Witch Doctor Endugu - Wyand Voidbringer
Act Four BossesDiablo - Grand Vizier of Chaos - Hephasto the Armorer - Infector of Souls - Izual - Lord De Seis -
Act Five BossesAchmel the Cursed - Baal - Bartuc the Bloody - Bonesaw Breaker - Colenzo the Annihilator - Dac Farren - Eldritch the Rectifier - Eyeback the Unleashed - Frozenstein - Korlic - Lister the Tormentor - Madawc - Nihlathak - Pindleskin - Sharptooth Slayer - Shenk the Overseer - Snapchip Shatter - Talic - Thresh Socket - Ventar the Unholy
ObjectsBarricade - Barricaded Tower - Blood Hawk Nest - Catapult - Chest - Evil Demon Huts - Fire Tower - Flying Scimitar - Gargoyle Trap - Lightning Spire - Mummy Sarcophagus - Objects - Prison Door - Trapped Soul
Monster InfoMonster Basics - Guest Monsters - Boss Monsters - Boss Modifiers - Act Bosses - Uber Monsters - Experience
Act Bosses
Uber Monsters
Act Bosses:Andariel - Duriel - Mephisto - Diablo - Baal -
Pandemonium Diablo - Lilith - Uber Izual - Uber Duriel - Uber Baal - Uber Diablo - Uber Mephisto -
Retrieved from 'https://diablo2.diablowiki.net/index.php?title=The_Summoner&oldid=25729'

The Pandemonium Event is a Battle.net only event introduced in Patch 1.11 of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction that is entirely optional but still fun to complete and famous for being the only source of the unique Large Charm, the Hellfire Torch.

Unlike the other Battle.net only quest, the Uber Diablo, the Pandemonium Event is quite a bit more complex and has a lot more fights with some very special super uniques specially created for the quest.

  • 2The Keys and Organs


Considering that the Pandemonium Event is a Battle.net only quest and is not available in the Single player or even open Battle.net games, it cannot be said to be a part of official lore. It can be said that it was created only to give high-level characters something to do.

The Keys and Organs

The initiation of the quest involves the collection of the three separate Organs that will open the portal to Chaos Tristram when transmuted in the Horadric Cube. These Organs, in turn, each require the collection of three Keys to open a portal which itself contains one Organ. Nine total keys, three of each type, are thus the minimum required to access Chaos Tristam.

The Keys

The Keys are required to open the three portals that will help you collect the Organs. There are three different keys, and to open any one of the minor portals, a complete set of three different keys are required. This means that the player will have to collect, in all, three keys of each type, which totals to nine keys.

To get the keys, the player has to kill one of the agents of the Prime Evils on the mortal plane. They are:

  • The Summoner (Mephisto)
  • The Countess (Diablo)
  • Nihlathak (Baal)

Diablo 2 Key Of Terror

They need to be killed in a Hell difficulty game in which they have a chance to drop the Keys of Hate, Terror and Destruction respectively along with their normal drop. The dropping of keys is quite rare, sometimes dropping only one in 10-15 runs. You can still run any one of them and continue to collect only one type of key. It is advisable to only run them for only three keys that are required for quest completion.

The Organs

Once you have a complete set of three different Keys, head to Act V, Harrogath. Put them in the Horadric Cube and then transmute them. In a way, it is very similar to the Secret Cow Level, you will create a portal teleporting you to a place where you would have to fight one of either:

  • Uber Duriel in the Forgotten Sands
  • Uber Izual in the Furnace of Pain
  • Lilith in the Matron's Den

They will give you, when defeated, Baal's Eye, Mephisto's Brain, and Diablo's Horn respectively, the Organs that will help you create the portal to Chaos Tristram.

It is highly recommended that you collect all nine required Keys and open all the three Portals within the same game. If they are opened in separate games, there is a chance that the same portal is opened leading to a waste of three different Keys. Of course, the organs are still valuable, leaving them open to be traded for others.

D2 Terror Key Fob

Uber Tristram

Once you have all three Organs, you can to go back to Harrogath again and put them into the Horadric Cube and transmute them. You will create the portal to Uber Tristram.

Uber Tristram has the same base structure as the regular Tristram but has a pack-load of hellish monsters, like the rare and powerful Balrogs. There are also a variety of unique monsters, champions and their minions along with the masters of the pack, the Uber Prime Evils themselves. The main objective when the player reaches Uber Tristram is to find and defeat Uber Mephisto, Uber Baal, and Pandemonium Diablo (because Uber Diablo already exists).

Über Mephisto has a level 20 Conviction Aura, which causes -125% to all of your resists, and summons Skeleton Mages and Archers everywhere, which can be challenging. Pandemonium Diablo is a 'tank' for Baal, meaning he takes the damage for him. He has tons of life and summons Pit Lords which are immune to everything but Physical damage. Über Baal is mostly the same as Hell mode Baal. He has a little more life and summons Ghoul Lords and Ghosts, which are both Physical Immune.

Once you kill them, the last boss to die will give you the Hellfire Torch, a Large Charm that gives +3 to any one of a certain class' skills, and random resistances and attributes, and the, as yet unusable, Standard of Heroes. The Standard of Heroes is a symbol that shows that you have completed this quest successfully and, unfortunately, for the trouble to obtain it, does nothing else, for the moment.

The easiest way to kill all three Ubers, as they are called in game, is a Smiter, a paladin who uses the skill Smite. They are an easy build for players to create and use.

Smiters can use different types of equipment, depending on the ability to get said gear.For the most part, the gear consists of:Body Armor: Chains of Honor Rune Word or Enigma Rune WordWeapon: Grief Rune Word or Last Wish Rune WordBoots: Gore RiderGloves: Dracul's GraspBelt: Verdungo's Hearty Cord or String of EarsShield: Exile Rune Word or Herald of Zakarum Helm: Harlequin Crest, Crown of Ages or Delirium Rune WordRings: Raven Frost, Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band, and Carrion Wind Amulet: The Cat's Eye or Highlord's Wrath.

Smiters use Fanaticism and Smite as their right and left click skills, respectively. Usually, both are maxed out along with their synergies. Holy Shield is also maxed, with its synergies too.

D2 Keys Locations

A foolproof way to kill the Ubers is to run straight up when you enter the portal. Then go around to the left and go halfway down. Then SLOWLY walk towards the center of Tristram. This causes Diablo and Baal to charge at you. Run away to the left and top again so Mephisto doesn't instant kill you. Then work on Diablo first because his Pit Lords can kill you pretty quickly. Then Baal. Keep attacking until Dracul's Grasp's Life Tap is cast on them. It may take a few tries, but make sure you make your game permanent, so if you die, you can save and exit and come back. After the two easist are dead, Mephisto is left. He is easily the hardest monster in the entire game.

There are a few different ways to kill him. Depending on your skill as a player, the speed of your computer, and the ability of your build. The first way to kill him is to just charge in and attack like crazy. If life tap isn't cast within the first 10-15 seconds, you will die and have to start over again. The second way to kill him is to trigger him, then run into a building AWAY from the portal, and let him follow you into it and get stuck. Then either teleport out if your wearing Enigma, or die, or save and exit. Then after your back in the game, run straight to the house and attack him, since he is kept away from his minions his Conviction aura is less of a threat from the mage skeletons. But this may also take a few tries. Good luck, and have fun.

Key Of Hate D2

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broken image